Thursday, October 27, 2011

The Weekly Pulls October 26, 2011

Hello and welcome to the first ever episode of "The Weekly Pulls".  I'm Dan, five of you may know me as the guy who writes the brentalfloss comic.  I also spend a not small portion of the time reading funny books.  I thought it might be fun to review them not unlike how Lewis (aka Linkara) does with his series "That's All I'm Saying".  I hope you enjoy it and feel free to leave comments!

Reviewed in this episode: Resurrection Man #2, Catwoman #2, All Star Western #2, Aquaman #2, The Flash #2, Justice League Dark #2, I, Vampire #2, Superman #2, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #3, Angel & Faith #3, Spaceman #1, The Devil is Due in Dreary #1, Stitched #1, The Beauty #1